NSSF Diaspora Connect

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Who is eligible?

Ugandans living abroad who are registered with NSSF and would like to resume saving for their retirement can use this solution. Most of the Ugandans living abroad do not have any form of retirement savings plan, this is because most do not have permanent residence in their host countries and therefore cannot be enrolled on the country’s retirement schemes and there is less investment back home due to lack of trust in relatives and acquaintances.

NSSF’s Voluntary membership plan can accommodate contributions from Ugandans living in the diaspora especially those that had registered with NSSF prior to exiting the country.

Major features

  • Enables Ugandans in the diaspora to reactivate their accounts as voluntary members, and save for their retirement.
  • Enrolls diaspora persons with an NSSF number online
  • 24/7 service up time for all Time Zones.
  • Foreign currency contributions are exchanged (at pre-disclosed rate) and received by NSSF in Uganda shillings.
  • Access to a Relationship Manager
  • 3% charge on transaction amount
  • What are the benefits?

    • It is an avenue through which Ugandans living abroad can ensure income security through regular contributions/remittances, especially for those or a member living abroad and planning to return to Uganda upon retirement.
    • Contributions can be made in any foreign currency, anywhere in the world at any time. Because NSSF accepts contributions in the local currency (Uganda Shillings), the local bank shall convert the customer’s contributions into Uganda Shillings at an exchange rate communicated to the customer before the payment is initiated.
    • The collecting Bank shall then proceed to post and report contributions to NSSF in local currency (UGX).
    • It provides flexibility to members because they can contribute anytime, anywhere.
    • Members can remit their savings as many times as they desire.

    How to Contribute:

    Enrolled members can contribute in these easy steps;

    1. Visit the Direct Pay Online payment gateway:https://shop.directpay.online/paymybills/nssf
    2. Enter NSSF number for individual or TRN for employer and proceed to enter card details.

    Direct Pay Online notifies customer on successful transaction and the customer receives a confirmation email or SMS from NSSF.


    1. i) Log on to NSSF E-collections Portalhttps://ecollection.nssfug.org/ecollections/auth/login
    2. ii) Chose contributor type: either Individual or Employer.
    3. iii) Enter amount as Individual or upload schedule as Employer and choose Direct Pay Online.
    4. iv) Select “Pay Now” and you will be redirect to the Direct Pay Online page for card details entry.

    Direct Pay Online notifies customer on successful transaction and the customer receives a confirmation email or SMS from NSSF.

    We accept payments from

    How to access your savings:

    The main benefit of the Diaspora Connect is to save and enable one to have income security at retirement. Depending on the circumstances, qualified contributing members on NSSF Diaspora Connect are able to receive the following benefits:

    Age Benefit

    This is paid to members who have reached the retirement age of 55. Age benefit can also be claimed on attaining the age of 50, provided the claimant has retired from employment

    Survivors Benefit

    This is paid to the immediate surviving family (spouse and children) of the deceased member. In case the member did not have a spouse or children, the benefit is paid to parents if they solely depended upon the deceased member.

    Invalidity Benefit

    This is paid to members who can no longer be gainfully employed because of physical or mental incapacitation.

    Withdrawal Benefit

    This is paid to a member if he or she attains the age of fifty years; and if he or she has not been employed under a contract of service for a period of one year immediately preceding his or her claim